Synonyms campaign
battle ▪ struggle ▪ drive ▪ war ▪ fight
These are all words for an effort made to achieve or prevent something.
campaign a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim:
the campaign for parliamentary reform
an advertising campaign
battle a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control:
She finally won the legal battle for compensation.
the endless battle between man and nature
struggle a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control:
the struggle for independence
the struggle between good and evil
battle or struggle?
A struggle is always about things that seem absolutely necessary, such as life and death or freedom. A battle can also be about things that are not absolutely necessary, just desirable, or about the pleasure of winning: the battle/struggle between good and evil • a legal struggle for compensation • a struggle of wills/wits.
drive an organized effort by a group of people to achieve something:
the drive for greater efficiency
a drive to reduce energy consumption
campaign or drive?
A campaign is usually aimed at getting other people to do something; a drive may be an attempt by people to get themselves to do something: From today, we’re going on an economy drive (= we must spend less). A campaign may be larger, more formal and more organized than a drive.
war sing. an effort over a long period of time to get rid of or stop something bad: the war against crime
fight sing. the work of trying to stop or prevent something bad or achieve something good; an act of competing, especially in a sport: Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies.
war or fight?
A war is about stopping things, like drugs and crime, that everyone agrees are bad. A fight can be about achieving justice for yourself.
a campaign/battle/struggle/drive/war/fight against something
a campaign/battle/struggle/drive/fight for something
a one-man/one-woman/personal campaign/battle/struggle/war
a bitter campaign/battle/struggle/drive/war/fight
to launch/embark on a campaign/battle/drive
to lead/continue the campaign/battle/struggle/drive/fight
to win/lose a battle/struggle/war/fight